DrZ’s Work Purchased for SCAD Museum of Art Permanent Collection

Local Artist’s Work Purchased for SCAD’s Permanent Collection
SAVANNAH, Ga. – - October 25, 2011 – - Local artist and entrepreneur James Zdaniewski, aka DrZ, was recently honored with the purchase of two of his works for Savannah College of Art and Design’s permanent art collection. The works will be displayed in SCAD’s newly expanded Museum of Art which re-opens to the public on October 29.
A number of DrZ’s creations are currently on exhibition at Local 11ten, a popular restaurant located at 1110 Bull Street in Savannah.
The Erie, Pennsylvania native has several works entered in the Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series competition which searches the art world for the newest wave of emerging artists and seeks to discover what inspires them. Sponsored by Bombay Sapphire, Russell Simmons and the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation, the national search selects twenty of the finest emerging artists to compete for the top new artisan title at Art Basel Miami Beach. In its tenth year, Art Basel is the most prestigious art show in the Americas with more than 260 leading galleries from North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa taking part in the annual event.
As a SCAD graduate and multimedia artist living in Savannah, DrZ’s creations have been exhibited in prominent art venues throughout the United States. The majority of his work is a visual representation of negative ideas or events occurring throughout the world or in his immediate environment. DrZ works primarily with layered acrylic, spray paint, and screen printing techniques on canvas, but past projects have also included print making, installations, murals, and projected animations.
“I’m influenced by dreams, stream of consciousness and the quantum world of time and space all around us. I’m trying to provoke thought and wonder in this world that influences some to step back and realize what is really important in this life,” commented DrZ.
For more information, visit www.DrZisiLL.in.
CAPTION: DrZ’s (James Zdaniewski) 4 x 6 feet mixed media on panel “Diablito” is one of two pieces purchased by SCAD for its permanent collection. The piece will be on exhibit when SCAD’s new Museum of Art reopens to the public on October 29, 2011.